How to play


SCOREBOARD CONTEST – Watch the detailed How to Play video on the website or in the How to Play section of the app. Or read the step-by-step instructions below.

  • Step 1: Select your contest from the list of contests.
  • Step 2: Registered users will pay the contest fees from your account. Unregistered users will have to register on the app to be eligible to play.
  • Step 3: Once contest fees are paid, you will be able to fill in the empty fields of the Scorecard as per the details given.
  • Step 4: Once you have filled in all the required fields, click on Submit and your contest entry will be registered with us.
  • Step 5: You can enter multiple Scorecards for the same contest by paying the contest fees for each entry.
  • Step 6: You can also enter multiple Scorecards of different contests under Skill Pitch by paying the contest fees of those respective contests.
  • Step 7: You can keep track of your Scorecard/s and your current position on the leader board by checking the real time updates of the happenings of the match.
  • Step 8: Final Results of the match will be displayed at the end of the match/innings alongside your individual Scorecard/s for immediate reference of deviations between your Scorecard and the match’s scorecard.
  • Step 9: Your position on the leader board for the contests you have entered will be displayed on the app along with the standings of the rest of the pool of players.